We solve

your questions about the SAI

What is the cost?

SAI is free of charge for real estate professionals affiliated to Finaer. We recommend you contact our sales team for a personalized quote.

What is analyzed in the traffic light?

The Risk Stoplight analyzes multiple key factors, such as the tenant's creditworthiness, delinquency history, credit score, and property-specific default risk. In addition, our AI evaluates the authenticity of the documentation provided to detect possible fraud or misrepresentation.

Do I have to upload the documentation manually?

Not necessarily. The SAI also allows the real estate manager to send an invitation to tenants and guarantors to upload documents. Our system facilitates the organization and review of all documents related to tenants and contracts.

How can I see the seetlements?

Only the main Administrators of each Real Estate Agency/Manager can access this information. If you wish to know this information, we recommend you to contact the person in charge of your real estate, who will be able to provide you with the necessary details or allow you the corresponding access.

How can I access to the SAI from my smartphone?

The SAI is fully accessible from mobile devices. You only need an internet connection and you will be able to manage your operations, monitor guarantees and make queries from anywhere, at any time, even while you are visiting the property.

What kind of support can I get through ChatFinaer?

With ChatFinaer, you can communicate directly with your assigned account officer. The tool allows instant notifications, requests for assistance and resolution of doubts, ensuring smooth and fast communication.

What kind of security measures does the SAI implement to protect my personal information?

The SAI uses advanced encryption and secure access technologies to protect your tenants' confidential information. In addition, built-in AI analysis detects potential fraud or tampering with documentation, ensuring a secure and reliable environment.