Finaer is the most complete solution

to guarantee and speed up rental operations.

The most complete

rental guarantee
on the market

With Finaer, you guarantee the collection of your rental income, without limit and without delay.
Payment of rent, utilities and community charges within 5 days of notification of non-payment, without limit, without delay and until the property is returned, whether or not there are legal proceedings.
Legal management in case of squatting of the property, valid up to 90 days after the end of the guarantee.
Unlimited legal defence and legal expenses.
Compensation for malicious damage caused by the tenant or their pets up to €3,500.

Additional services

for your guarantee

Collection mediation

Collect your rent guaranteed within the first 5 working days of each month, no matter what.
No need for management by the owner, Finaer takes care of everything.

Rent advance

Advance from 3 to 12 months' rent whenever you want. Get instant liquidity.

* Finaer is not a non-payment insurance.

Calculate your guarantee


Calculate your guarantee


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