with the finaer guarantee
you will only have

Brilliant Tenants.

The most complete rental guarantee
on the market that protects you before,
meanwhile and after.

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the most complete guarantee

on the market

With Finaer, you ensure the collection of your rental income, without limit and without delay. We guarantee tenant profiles and make it easy for you to decide which tenant to select.
Payment of rent, utilities and community expenses within 5 days of notification of non-payment, without limit, without delay and until restitution of the property, whether or not there are legal proceedings.
Unlimited legal defense and court costs.
Compensation for malicious damage caused by the tenant or his pets up to €3,500.
Legal management in case of squatting of the property, valid up to 90 days after the end of the guarantee.
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in addition, you can add

services to your warranty

Advance payment of rent

Advance from 3 to 12 months of rent whenever you want. Get instant liquidity.

Collection mediation.

Collect your rent guaranteed on the 5th, no matter what happens.

With no owner management required, Finaer takes care of everything.

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I want to take out my Finaer Guarantee.

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during the whole life of your rent,

always with you.

· Unlimited advice throughout the application process

· Estudio y selección de los mejores perfiles de inquilinos para tu inmueble.
· We accompany you throughout the term of the lease so that, in case of
non-payment, you can collect your rent in just 5 days from the notification of

· Compensation for malicious damages up to €3,500.

· Payment of utilities and community expenses*. (they must be in the name of the owner).
· Legal management in case of squatting of the property, valid up to 90 days after the end of the guarantee.

· If a lawsuit is necessary, we take care of the entire eviction process, including all expenses and legal defense costs up to the restitution of the property.
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The rental guarantee

for all types
of properties

1st room guarantee

Frequently Asked Question

In Finaer we have more than 16 years of experience at international level, accompanying tenants and owners in their rental, solving all their doubts.

What does legal advice include?

Unlimited legal advice before, during and after the signing of the lease contract to clarify any doubts that may arise regarding the drafting or breach of the lease contract.

What is the scope of the Finaer warranty?

The Finaer guarantee covers the payment of rent, supply and community expenses within 5 days of notification of non-payment, without limit, without delay and up to the return of the property, whether or not there are legal proceedings

- Compensation for malicious damage caused by the tenant or his pets up to 3. 500 caused by the tenant or his pets

- Legal defense, legal expenses and judicial costs unlimited.

- Legal management in case of squatters, valid until 90 days after the end of the guarantee.

What differentiates Finaer's warranty from other competitive products?

In case of non-payment, since there are no limits, no delays and no need to file a lawsuit, you will collect your rent in only 5 days after the non-payment is notified and you will do so until the property is returned, without having to file lawsuits or get involved in legal paperwork. You will not have to take care of anything.

I have a lease whose tenant has stopped paying, how do I proceed?

Easy, communicate it with a simple click through our web site..

What happens if the tenant leaves before the end of the warranty period?

Don't worry, we will reserve that credit for your next guarantee..

Can Finaer guarantee temporary rental contracts?

Yes, we guarantee all leases under the LAU (Ley de Arrendamientos Urbanos) and under the Civil Code. Tourist rentals are excluded.

What if my tenant does not pay me?

The owner of the property or the authorized person will have to contact us before the 25th of the same month, indicating the details of the incident of non-payment of rent.

How many monthly payments am I guaranteed?

Yes, we guarantee all leases under the LAU (Ley de Arrendamientos Urbanos) and under the Civil Code. Tourist rentals are excluded.

Can I guarantee the rent of my premises?

Yes, Finaer guarantees the rental of all types of properties, both residential and commercial, offices, warehouses, garages and plots.

Can this guarantee be taken out if the rental contract is already in progress?

Yes, it can be contracted at any time, except if there are non-payments or delays in the payment of the rent prior to contracting.

Is Finaer an insurance company?

No, Finaer is a rental guarantee company, which allows us a greater capacity for action and adaptation to the reality of the market and above all to the real needs of our clients. Our rental protection is the most complete in the market, at the same time that we improve the accessibility to housing for future tenants by giving them the opportunity to take into account their rents inside or outside Spain.

Why is it better to trust a Rent Guaranty company than an insurance company?

The services offered by Finaer are much more extensive, the Finaer Rental Guarantee is unlimited without delay, without the need for legal action, can be contracted by the tenant, and is suitable for all types of profiles".

Is Finaer an insurance company?

No, Finaer is a rental guarantee company, which allows us a greater capacity for action and adaptation to the reality of the market and above all to the real needs of our clients. Our rent protection is the most complete on the market, while we improve housing accessibility for future tenants by giving them the opportunity to take into account their rents inside or outside of Spain.

Why is a Rental Guarantee company better?

The benefits offered by Finaer are much broader, the Finaer Rental Guarantee is unlimited, without delays, without the need for a lawsuit, contractable by the tenant, and suitable for all types of profiles.
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